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  • How are payments processed?
    Payments are processed securely through Paypal.
  • Can I return my purchase or exchange it for another?
    If you purchased a digital product, no refunds or exchanges will be granted unless a duplicate purchase was made. I am happy to answer questions and share more details with you before purchasing. Please contact me at crazyartclass at gmail dot com. If you purchased a physical product and are not satisfied with it, please contact me at crazy art class at gmail dot com and I will help. You may not exchange a physical product at this time unless a duplicate was purchased accidentally.
  • I need help using or customizing my purchase!
    Please contact me at crazyartclass at gmail dot com with the product you need help with and I will assist you!
  • Can I use your lesson on Canvas/Schoology/Microsoft Teams?
    My school uses Google Classroom, so I can't guarantee that my lessons will work on other LMS. Please research this before purchasing. I have heard reports that they work, but I as I do not have access to other programs I will not be able to offer technical support.
  • How do you make your lessons? Can you help me make one?
    I make all of my lessons in Google Drive, using clipart I created myself on my ipad in procreate. I would be happy to work with you one on one so that you can create your own. Please see "Coaching for Teachers" under the Shop > Book Classes and More.
  • Can I use your clipart from (insert name here) lesson on something else?
    I created all the clipart myself, and you may not use it for your own documents or for products you sell. I will sell clipart packages in the future though, so let me know which ones you'd like to see in the first bundle and I throw a coupon your way!
  • Help! I purchased a digital download and the link isn't working. What should I do?
    No worries! While this happens incredibly infrequently (and usually due to a pop-up blocker) you may contact us at crazyartclass at gmail dot com. Please include your name, order number, and items you purchased. We will send you direct links to the products so that a download isn't required. Please note that it may take 3-5 business days to process your request.
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